When you dwell on a word, sometimes it can begin to sound foreign. You may start to wonder if the word is truly spelled the way you speak it. Ever grab a dictionary just to check it out? Think of the word "greetings", for example. How did someone even come up with such a word as greetings?
The definition is: the acts or words of one who greets. So, then, what does greet mean? It means to address with friendliness, to meet or receive in a specified way. Well, then, what is the purpose of greeting cards?
As one who has studied the English language to any extent, a person should agree that it is one of the hardest languages to learn. Just the word "greetings" should solidify that fact. Greeting cards, for example, do not always address one with friendliness. Sometimes they address a person's sadness or forgiveness or anger, even grief. But when one thinks of greetings and greeting cards, one thinks first of friendliness or joy. Greetings are meant to bring acknowledgement. Perhaps acknowledgement of something negative, or something positive, or even something completely neutral is in order.
Greetings are supposedly a way to touch someone in a kind way. When one sends a greeting card, usually it is for a birthday or maybe even just to say hello and reconnect with a friend or loved one. Sometimes, however, greetings are to comfort. As in when one loses a loved one and a greeting card can touch their heart and ease their loss in a personal way. Sometimes, greetings are a way to bring a smile to someone who has been ill or hospitalized for an accident of some sort.
Greeting cards can uplift a lonely soul. They can soothe the pain of a person when he or she may think no one cares. There is such a joy in receiving funny greetings from someone when you have had a terrible day or a terrible week. You open the mailbox and think "What is this?" Maybe there is no name on the outside. Many people send greetings without a return address. It can be considered rude to some to expect anything in return.
Maybe you have angered someone or hurt their feelings and need to put your thoughts on paper, but just can't seem to find the words. All you have to do is go to a store that sells greeting cards and find the perfect solution. It brings a sense of fulfillment to find just the right card. It can also be quite time-consuming for those who don't really know exactly what it is they wish to send! But, oh, the relief when you finally come across that card that says what you want in just the right way. Many a relationship has been saved by something as simple and low-cost as a greeting card.
There are, of course, greetings that are less tasteful when one wishes to convey negative things. I do have to wonder about creators of greeting cards that say things to purposely anger someone. I personally believe it warps the meaning of "greetings" entirely!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
What Are Greetings?
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11:24 PM
Labels: What are greetings?
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Free Greeting Cards
Free greeting cards are a great way to let someone know you care about them while letting you know you still have money in your wallet! Greeting cards have become very expensive over the years, and the ability to receive free greeting cards is an advantage that many people are not aware of. So how do you find these free greeting cards?
Well, that answer is actually rather simple. You can do a simple internet search for free greeting cards and come up with many websites that offer this free service. Google, Yahoo, MSN, Excite, Lycos, and Alta Vista are just some examples of websites that happen to offer free greeting cards, even though many people are not aware of this. However, in recent years, these websites have begun to limit the selection available for free greeting cards, and have begun to charge a small fee for these cards.
Free greeting cards can also be found on websites that deal specifically in free online greeting cards. Blue Mountain Arts is one such website. They too, however, have gone to offering a larger selection for paying guests, and a smaller selection of free greeting cards.
These free greeting cards websites typically allow you to add your own personal message, choose your own silly saying or sentimental poem, choose your own graphics, and some even allow you to add music to the free greeting card. These features all allow you to create the most personalized free greeting card possible, which you cannot do by simply buying a greeting card in the stores.
The best place to get free greeting cards is to look for free greeting cards templates for word processing and desktop publishing software already on your computer. You can easily find free greeting card templates at websites such as Microsoft, cNet, and Corel. You can also find free greeting card templates at other websites by doing a simple internet search for free greeting card templates.
Once you have the free greeting card template, you simply save it to your computer and add in the information you want to have in your card. You can create free greeting cards for birthdays, anniversaries, thank you, sympathy, holidays, invitations, and many other occasions. The more advanced user can even add sound to the card. These free greeting cards can then be sent to anyone via email, or they can be printed off on your home printer and sent via snail mail.
Anther way to send people free greeting cards is to recycle greeting cards. You do this by cutting off the front of the card that has the picture, and then writing your own personal message on the back. This makes the card somewhat of a post card, that has not cost you anything at all! Other ideas for free greeting cards is to cut out poems and pictures on old greeting cards and paste them to new greeting card stock paper. This paper is so inexpensive, that each card is practically a free greeting card!
So you see, with free greeting cards you have more flexibility, more personalization for your loved one, and a gift that is not likely to be easily forgotten, and without spending a single dime! No doubt about it, free greeting cards are the only way to go!
Posted by
9:13 PM
Labels: Free greeting cards
Birthday Greeting Cards.
He..hey, it's my birthday! I wait on the mailman all morning just to see what joy he'll deliver in the form of birthday greeting cards. Yes, I have a mail man, not a mail lady. I suppose the proper etiquette would be mail person, but it doesn't sound as good to someone old-fashioned such as myself. However, I digress.
We must return to the wonderful subject of birthday greeting cards. Ok, so I'm at the mailbox, and I'm opening the door. It's a sweet day indeed to receive the old-fashioned birthday card in the old-fashioned mailbox. Yes, we have progressed mightily with the world of computers. But there's still nothing like a birthday card in the mailbox to brighten that special day.
Birthday greeting cards have been around for so many years, people don't even think of their beginnings much anymore. So, let's take a few minutes to honor the ages-old birthday greeting cards.
It all begins when we're children. Even though most of us hardly pay attention to those birthday greeting cards once we've seen them the first time, there are some who cherish each and every card we receive, saving them for years to come. Some children hardly pay attention as their mom, dad, or sibling reads their birthday cards. But to some who aren't allowed the luxury of living near the dear grandfather or grandmother or the cherished aunt or uncle, even the birthday card is a wondrous gift to be saved and given a place of honor on the mantle or countertop.
There are those wonderful birthday greeting cards that may come with a bonus, such as the twenty dollars we've waited for all year. To most children, that twenty dollars is still a fun trip to the toy department of their favorite store.
The birthday greeting cards will hopefully be around for many more years, bringing much needed joy and comfort in their acknowledgement of a special day.
The elderly, especially, look forward to the birthday greeting card. It lets them know someone still cares that they exist and that the fact of being born is still meaningful. It brings a smile to know the grandchild who may be too busy to visit actually took the time to go to the store and choose a birthday card and send it. Maybe the grandchild even included a glorious photo for the grandparent to share and brag upon to the neighbors or the mailman. Maybe the son or daughter who are too far away to visit included a special note with the birthday card to brighten the day even more.
Yes, the birthday greeting cards were a nice invention indeed. I found some in a drawer once from people I had forgotten about, but was thrown into a melancholy mood to remember. The long-ago party, the family gathered, the beautiful cake, were all brought back to life by one simple card. Even if it was one that may have been bought in haste, it still made a difference years later!
Posted by
8:54 PM
Labels: Birthday Greeting Cards
Monday, December 24, 2007
Greeting cards with love
Greeting cards are indeed one of the best ways to reach out and touch the person to whom you wish to convey love. Love is one of the greeting card industry's best friends. Love sells products. Love sells words and images. Love even sells colors.
When you sell greeting cards, you sell emotions. Love is the strongest emotion.
The love that is shown with a simple greeting card can start a relationship that will last a lifetime. Whether it be a friendship-only type of love or a relative reconnecting with another relative after a long absence of closeness, or the most common love of a couple seeking that special bond, a greeting card can play a big part.
Anytime a greeting card is given to someone who is in pain, it shows a love of someone who cares. When a person is hospitalized for a life-long illness, a greeting card can be a daily reminder, placed by the bedside, that the person is not alone in their suffering. When someone has suffered a hurt with another kind of pain, the pain of losing someone loved to death or separation, a greeting card can show a tender love of compassion. When someone has hurt feelings, a greeting card can show a love from empathy or a request for forgiveness. When a small child has been separated from their parent, grandparent, sibling, or even a best friend, a greeting card can send love across the miles. Love is the most tender of emotions.
The pictures on a greeting card can show love to introduce the caring that is placed inside with the words of the card. It helps clarify and create the mood when a greeting card has a loving picture as a preview to the feelings inside. The card may even help melt a hardened heart that has closed itself off to love.
Never underestimate the power of a greeting card meant to send a bit of love. While some scoff at the simple act of a card given, others depend upon the card's power to smooth the way for a deeper relationship with the recipient. A person's favorite colors, favorite flowers, favorite animals, or a hobby shown on the front of the card can touch something inside their hearts or jog a long-lost fond memory. The person then opens the card and may smile if a smile has not yet been forthcoming. Once they read the words that were chosen with care, it will seal the mood. After that, it is often only a bit of time before a phone call or letter or even an email of much awaited thanks will evolve. Once more, love is revived and celebrated.
Greeting cards....so simple and yet a saving grace for many. It should jog the memory to recall the nervousness with which the first greeting card was given by a shy teen to a sweet first love. Maybe the memory is of a lonely elderly person trying to find a soul-mate after years of missing their spouse. Whatever the memory, you can bet there is a greeting card involved somewhere along the line!
Posted by
10:34 PM
Labels: With love
Your lovely greeting cards
Sometimes you feel so miss lovely with your partner and for create the best way is to send
beautiful greeting cards to him.
This way can be impress what is inside your heart. Your lovely also can feel what is your feeling in that time.
You can choose the best greeting cards for this situation at many book stores and also you can
create by you own self, depend on your creativity.
Posted by
12:09 PM
Labels: Lovely cards
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Great way how to find type of greeting cards to celebrate.
Greeting cards are a great way to celebrate any occasion, or just let someone know you are thinking of them. You can find greeting cards for birthdays, anniversaries card, missing you, thinking of you, friendship, mother's day, father's day, retirement, thank you, and any other occasion you may think of.
Anniversary greeting cards are very popular. You can find many types of greeting cards for anniversaries. Many anniversary greeting cards are specifically designed for the landmark anniversaries, such as five, ten, fifteen, twenty, twenty five, thirty, forty, and fifty. There are anniversary greeting cards to wife from husband, to husband from wife, to parents from son or daughter, to grandparents from grandson or granddaughter, and even from niece or nephew to aunts and uncles. There are also funny and sentimental anniversary greeting cards.
Missing you greeting cards are fantastic for friends who are far from each other. You can find funny or sentimental missing you cards for any occasion, whether you are on vacation, or simply live far apart from one another. Missing you greeting cards are also available for lovers, husbands and wives, and other occasions. You can even find missing you greeting cards for people who are in jail or prison, if you go to the right kind of greeting card store.
Thinking of you and friendship greeting cards are great for letting someone know you care about them. Even if you live in the same town, or even on the same street, you can send a greeting card to someone who is feeling down in the dumps. It is proven that when people get greeting cards in the mail, it raises their spirits and makes them happy to know that someone cares. That is exactly why they have thinking of you and friendship greeting cards! You can get religious, family oriented, friendship, sentimental, or funny friendship and thinking of you greeting cards.
Mother's Day and Father's Day are great times for letting your parents, or anyone who has acted like your parents, know how much you care about them by sending them a greeting card. There are greeting cards available for mothers, fathers, uncles, aunts, grandparents, step-fathers, step-mothers, adopted fathers and mothers, and anyone else that might have had a hand in raising you as a child. Mother's Day and Father's Day greeting cards are no longer just for mothers and fathers. These greeting cards are for everyone!
Other types of greeting cards include retirement greeting cards, thank you greeting cards, I'm sorry greeting cards, and Get Well greeting cards. You can find funny greeting cards, sentimental greeting cards, or simple greeting cards with just a picture. The best greeting card, anyone will tell you, is one that comes from the heart.
Posted by
11:11 PM
Labels: Tips
Type of greeting cards
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10:40 PM
Labels: Intro