Need greeting cards for this festive day ? You can choice many type of greeting cards
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Happy eidul fitri.
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11:02 PM
Labels: eidul fitri
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Create an Automated Referral Generator
Does your business depend on referrals for 30% or more of your sales or revenues? Would you like to increase the number of referrals you get and cut down on your mass advertising? Then having an automated referral generator is a must!
What do I mean by an automated referral generator? Well it can be an ezine or email campaign that is automated, so that once you set it up, it is easy to maintain. You only need to add the new people to it. And that part can also be automated. It could be a mail campaign, although, generally this is more manual, because you need to create the mailing every time you want to do it.
Another way to create an automated referral generator is to use the SendOutCards system. SendOutCards is a web site where you can choose from over 2,500 greeting cards to send to people. After you pick the greeting card you want, they print them, print the envelope and mail them using FIRST CLASS POSTAGE. They can do this for around $1.00 to $1.40 per greeting card, including the stamp, depending on what plan you are on.
With the sophisticated system provided by SendOutCards, you can create an automated referral generator. How does this work? Everyone has people who are good sources of referrals for their business, but part of the problem is keeping your name and message in front of them in a timely manner. With the campaign manager, you can create a set of greeting cards and postcards that will be sent out over the year, on specified dates, that will be mailed to your referral sources. Once you have set up the campaign with the cards and messages you want, then when you add people to your contact manager and that referral group, they will automatically get those cards in your referral campaign! This would cost about $10-12 per person per year for the regular greeting cards, depending on how many cards you decide to send out. Is developing a reliable referral source and keeping in contact with them worth $12 per year? Almost everyone I have explained this to has said YES to that question.
Now I am not a marketing genius, but my recommendation is that when you create the messages for these greeting cards, you mix it up and give them some variety. On some of them make an open request for referrals. On others, be more subtle, just say you hope that they are doing well and hope that their month is going well. Highlight different products or services and how people can save money or use your services. Make prominent your “unique selling proposition”, what sets you apart from your competition, whether it be your superior service, your outstanding reputation, your attention to customer needs. Part of your plan is to develop personal relationships with people who are referring business to you, so keep that in mind when you are creating the cards. The great thing about using a system like this is that you can really tailor or customize it for your business.
If you have a special event or sale or want to offer a discount to selected people, remember to include these referral sources in that mailing. You would need to do this outside of the referral generator campaign, but with the SendOutCards system, it is very easy to do.
With the SendOutCards system, you can create custom cards with your logos or pictures of your products on them. You can also print pictures right on the inside of the greeting cards. You might like to print an occasional picture of yourself or your business on some of the cards. These can be added to the mix of your referral campaign cards. Postcards are an effective way to contact people, so consider using a couple of those in your series.
Once you have your automated referral generator campaign system set up, you only need to add qualified referral sources to it. And remember to send out a Thank You card if they send you a referral. Make sure to send one to your client or customer too! This will put you a step above your competition!
by steve currie.
Posted by
10:38 PM
Saturday, April 5, 2008
How to Start Greeting Cards Home Business
Do you like to create pictures and designs, or writing? Do you love to look at the greeting cards in your local stores? Then a greeting cards home business could be for you. This is a business with incredible growth, and income potential. It also gives the greeting card home based business owner several options in the business itself.
A greeting card home business opportunity can have you doing only one part, such as drawing or writing. This same business can be selling e-cards or cards sold in stores. It could also entail purchasing a territory from a larger card distributor.
The first step in how to start a greeting card company is to decide what part of the greeting card business you want to focus on. As a freelance greeting card artist, you would focus only on designing cards for other companies. There are costs associated with this option and could include the purchase of a computer and graphic art software if you don’t already have these items.
If you decide to be a freelance greeting card writer, your home based greeting card business would focus on only writing the phrases to be used on greeting cards. For this, you only need a computer and quick turn around time.
Of course, you can always freelance as both a writer and artist. To get jobs you must contact companies to see if they are in need of freelancers. They pay from $50 an assignment to several hundred dollars per assignment. However, until you build up a portfolio of samples, and sometimes even after, jobs can be hard to find.
Another option is to purchase a vending route from a larger greeting card company. This route becomes your way of starting a greeting card company. You are required to keep current clients stocked in cards, replace old cards with new ones and get new clients to build your income. You have start up costs that can run from several hundred to several thousand dollars in inventory. However, when you take the cards to the clients, you receive your payments right then.
If you want to start your own line of cards, your greeting card business plan would focus on all aspects of greeting card businesses. You will design and write each greeting card inside and out. Your creative freedom would not be hindered by someone telling you what they want. You would make all the decisions and it would truly be your greeting cards business.
Being a greeting cards home business owner would make the internet your best marketing tool. You wouldn’t be able to compete with larger greeting card companies, so you will want to create a special niche for your cards on the web and in small local stores.
by Randy Wilson
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11:53 PM
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
April greeting cards
Hello,happy a April day. More greeting cards for April as a quarter year.
May be you need greeting cards for happy birthday, happy father's day,happy mother's
day,greeting cards for wedding and others .
Posted by
11:14 PM
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Show Them You Care With Online Greeting Cards
I thought that online greeting cards were the coolest things ever during the first time I saw them. Of course, I was only being silly because there are a lot of other amazing things that can be found on the Internet today. The good news is that they just keep getting better. I belong to the generation that lived without the Internet so I only discovered it a few years ago. I love the World-Wide-Web because it has given me the ability to make friends all over the world.
I was never good when it comes to buying cards for people whenever a birthday or celebration is approaching. It always seems that I forget about these cards, even when I was staring at them in the store. Fortunately, online greeting cards have made it easier for a slacker like me to keep on top of things. I also don’t to worry about an online greeting card getting lost in the mail.
There are online greeting cards for every occasion you can imagine, and many for occasions you could have never dreamed up on your own. There seems to be a special occasion every day of the year because I get an email once a week from one place where I go to send a lot of online greeting cards. I think that it’s amazing what people can come up with. There is probably already a card out there for it if you can dream it up. There are cards that can fit every personality, lifestyle, and interest. The sky is really the limit when it comes to sending cards through the World-Wide-Web.
Of course, I don’t use online greeting cards for most of those silly days. However, I can see a card that I just can’t pass up every once in a while. I always have friends who may need a pick me up, and I can put a smile on their face through a silly online greeting card. You should never forget to let those you love know how much you mean to them, and never let an opportunity to say hello pass you by. You never know when you will have the chance to do it again. These days, we have online greeting cards make that it easier than ever to do just that. - by Morgan Hamilton
Posted by
11:46 PM
Saturday, January 26, 2008
e Cards Are Great Marketing Tool
E cards (electronic greeting cards) are a great example of efficient marketing on the internet. You have a service open to the Internet users. The e cards they send from your site invariably contain promotion for your company, products or services. They are advertising tools that are immediate, inexpensive, personalized and although sent via email, S.P.A.M.-free.
This form of Internet marketing through ecards is extremely effective. More than 50% of the U.S. population and 85% of all Internet users visit a greeting's site annually, according to research firm Jupiter MediaMetrix. Why not use even a small percentage of these potential clients to your advantage? OK, has more than 100 million unique visitors each year, but even with less numbers, the potential is there. Remember, with each sent ecard from your site you have at least two potential clients!
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11:24 PM
Labels: eCards Are Great Marketing Tool
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Sending greeting cards,greeting card stores.
Sending greeting cards online is currently the most convenient, economical and easy way to wish anybody a happy holiday. Therefore, in this fast-paced world, sending a greeting via ‘snail mail’ is either considered a luxury or just plain old-fashioned. Even so, people sometimes go the extra mile to find a greeting they can post. In that case, the greeting card stores rise to the occasion. The difference could be in the fact that the cards are handmade, for example.
Greeting card stores that stock handmade products are becoming quite trendy because they sell unique cards handmade on recycled paper. They sell their hand made stationery on the idea that each card is a piece of art and has its own peculiarities and characteristics. No two cards are alike, and this makes them even more sought after.
Handmade greeting card stores are not the only novelty in greeting card retail. The extraordinary online retailer also does exist. But this is not the same as sending e-cards. Online greeting card stores are virtual shops from which you can choose your card and have it sent by post to any location in the world. Some retailers even offer free postage within the region. This mode of sending cards has been made more fun by allowing the user to design and create their own card, before requesting it to be sent out.
Posted by
10:14 PM
Friday, January 18, 2008
Show Them You Care With Online Greeting Cards
I thought that online greeting cards were the coolest things ever during the first time I saw them. Of course, I was only being silly because there are a lot of other amazing things that can be found on the Internet today. The good news is that they just keep getting better. I belong to the generation that lived without the Internet so I only discovered it a few years ago. I love the World-Wide-Web because it has given me the ability to make friends all over the world.
I was never good when it comes to buying cards for people whenever a birthday or celebration is approaching. It always seems that I forget about these cards, even when I was staring at them in the store. Fortunately, online greeting cards have made it easier for a slacker like me to keep on top of things. I also don’t to worry about an online greeting card getting lost in the mail.
There are online greeting cards for every occasion you can imagine, and many for occasions you could have never dreamed up on your own. There seems to be a special occasion every day of the year because I get an email once a week from one place where I go to send a lot of online greeting cards. I think that it’s amazing what people can come up with. There is probably already a card out there for it if you can dream it up. There are cards that can fit every personality, lifestyle, and interest. The sky is really the limit when it comes to sending cards through the World-Wide-Web.
Of course, I don’t use online greeting cards for most of those silly days. However, I can see a card that I just can’t pass up every once in a while. I always have friends who may need a pick me up, and I can put a smile on their face through a silly online greeting card. You should never forget to let those you love know how much you mean to them, and never let an opportunity to say hello pass you by. You never know when you will have the chance to do it again. These days, we have online greeting cards make that it easier than ever to do just that.
by Morgan Hamilton
Posted by
9:51 PM
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Greeting cards -History
Greeting cards started out as simple slips of papyrus, that were exchanged by both the Egyptians and Chinese as messages of goodwill. As the concept of greeting cards evolved, Europeans began to send them to one another for holidays such as Valentine's Day – and this occurred as early as the 1400's.
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10:40 PM
Labels: Greeting cards - history
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Using Greeting Cards In Your Scrapbooks
Next time, consider creating a scrapbook to hold the cards you’ve received. There are a couple of options of how to attach your greeting cards to your scrapbook. You can actually leave the card intact, and put mounting squares on the back of the card and then attach it to the page. On a 12x12 page you can fit 3 or sometimes 4 cards. You can then decorate the remainder of the page for whatever occasion the cards came for.
Another option is to cut the card and attach only the design portion of the card onto paper in your scrapbook. You can frame the design just as you would frame a photo in your scrapbook. You can create a specific shape for your frame, or you can cut the frame to the same shape as your greeting card design.
You can also repeat the above procedures for the sentiments and/or signature inside the card. Some cards I receive have personal messages written to me, while other cards have nothing personal and a pre-stamped signature from the card giver.
If you have photos of the person who sent the card, you might want to attach a photo below or above the greeting card of the card sender.
by Audrey Okaneko
Posted by
12:06 AM
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Video and music greeting cards
Hi, currently so many way to make you greeting cards such as video and music.
Music greeting cards are popular for happy new year greeting cards,birthday cards and got a new friends.
Video greeting cards also popular for who have a computer and Internet
provider. Many things that you can download at Internet as a greeting cards.
Posted by
12:04 AM
Labels: Video and music greeting cards
Friday, January 11, 2008
Secure greeting cards
Hi, secure greeting cards is not for security guards or any secure documents. Sometimes we need to keep secure to all greeting cards that we received. For example, if somebody
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12:37 AM
Labels: Secure greeting cards
Monday, January 7, 2008
Conguratulation greeting cards, Birthday greeting cards,Wedding greeting cards & Thank you greeting cards.
Congratulations greeting cards,Birthday greeting cards,Wedding greeting cards & Thank you greeting cards are value to keep more closely between friend and
friend,family and family also between neighbourhood.
Greeting cards comes many type and many shape.Depend on what type of greeting cards. Your
friend maybe like colourful greeting cards for his birthday. Congratulation greeting cards may comes with sky way design !.
Wedding greeting cards and after that coming with thank you greeting cards are very beautiful
memories to share. Some people are waiting for greeting cards from someone day by day.
So, please send any type of greeting cards to your related friend,family and special one..
Posted by
11:16 PM
Labels: Congratulation greeting cards
Sunday, January 6, 2008
New year greeting cards
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1:24 AM
Labels: New year greeting cards
Friday, January 4, 2008
Why Greeting Cards Are Handy
Greeting cards are used to ask forgiveness, to convey sympathy, to send a perk to someone who is sad, to share a special occasion with someone special, and to send well-wishes to someone who has been ill or hurt. Greeting cards are handy as reminders for someone who may be forgetful, to say thanks to someone who has been helpful, and to renew friendships.
Greeting cards can be handy to jog memories of something long forgotten. If you are a person who saves special things, greeting cards can be found years later in a box of old memories. They can help revive old memories or be used to start new ones.
Many times humor from a greeting card may touch someone when a letter would not. A greeting card can be short, sweet, and to the point or long, thoughtful, and thought-provoking.
If you are grieving over a loved one, you may be sorting through keepsakes and be soothed by a greeting card bought long ago. You can use these precious gifts to begin a scrapbook of the person. You can share the greeting cards with family or friends and revive fond memories. You can use these greeting cards in crafts to make other gifts to hand over to a child or grandchild to keep the memory of your loved one alive.
For someone who likes to save greeting cards as a hobby, you may find joy in discovering antique greeting cards.
Greeting cards can be used to teach a child. They can be handy in helping a child learn how to read, how to appreciate getting mail, how to keep in touch with friends or family they may have moved away from, how to explore their own thoughts and feelings, how to convey humor to others. They can also be used to teach a child how to count and how to create. They can be used to teach a child about writing and publishing and art. They can be used to teach a child about poetry. They can help teach a child about animals, nature, cars, motorcycles, good manners, and friendship.
Are you low on cash? Sending a greeting card in place of a gift is a handy alternative. Some people prefer to receive a card in place of a gift. The most important thing about a special occasion is to let someone know they were on your heart and in your mind. Sometimes just sending a card instead of a gift will relieve someone of having to provide a gift in kind. Some people may be secretly relieved to just exchange cards on special occasions.
Greeting cards can also be handy in business. If you have employees who need a morale boost, use a humorous greeting card or maybe something to let them know you appreciate their hard work. Sometime you should think which more better, greeting cards,egreeting,signal greeting,
Posted by
12:25 AM
Labels: Why greeting cards are handy